How Much To Order?
When it comes to how much to order, there are lots of intangibles… length and time of event, purpose of gathering, age of guests. The list goes on.
Here’s some general guidelines. We welcome your questions and are happy to offer our opinion on quantities. With three decades of experience in catering functions, we have a pretty good feel for what works!
Per adult, plan on:
- Light Appetizers: 4–6 pieces
- Heavy Appetizers: As a replacement for lunch or dinner, order 10–12 pieces
- Sides & Salads: 4–6 ounces per serving
- Hot Side Dishes: If you choose 2–3 sides, plan on a total of ¼ lb.
- Meat Entrée: Typically ½ lb. meat
- Meat Entrée: Typically ½ lb. meat
- Dinner Entrée: 6–8 ounces
- Pulled/Sliced Meat: 1 lb. makes 4–5 average sized sandwiches
- Dessert: 1–2 pieces